I don't usually do these, but I think this movie needs a fair judgement as most of the comments so far have either been uneducated, or based on a personal vendetta against the saga.
Starting afresh, let's look at this movie. It is based on a book targeted primarily at females between the ages of 13-40. If you do not fall into that range, did you really expect to like it anyway? That'd be like going to see "He's Just Not That Into You" if you hate romances, or "Saw" if you hate violence - and then complaining about it. The movie has a set target audience, it's what it thrives on. If it appeals to you, great. If it doesn't, fine, either leave it be like I do with movies I do not like, or leave an educated and constructive review.
So the movie, well I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed Twilight, yet New Moon was better. The narrative was greatly improved, it had a deeper plot and it was great to see the director explore new realms of cinematography and camera angles. I took my friend who hugely disliked the first movie along with me, and she left having enjoyed the 2hrs and agreeing that New Moon was certainly worth the £6 cinema ticket. Chris Weitz has done fantastic work on only his 6th directing job. His style may not be unique, but for an emerging artist he has certainly left his mark.
The acting was again much improved. For the large part, these actors are unknowns who have jumped in at the deep end. The one criticism I would have is that it'd be nice for the character of "Bella" (Kristen Stewart) to be allowed the humour and fun loving attitude that she posses in the books, to shine through into the movie. It'd also be nice to see some of the characters back stories developed more, but on a short time scale, I understand the difficulties here.
On the whole, "Twilight - New Moon" deserves much higher respect than it is receiving. It is highly unfair that it is written off just based on peoples opinions of the saga. This is a charming and beautiful adaptation of Stephanie Meyers story and does not deserve to be slammed so unproductively. It does not give out bad messages to it's audience, if that was the case "Romeo and Juliet" should be re induced as at least a 15 to avoid 'such negative messages' being revealed to it's target audience.
Give this movie a chance, even just out of curiosity - you never know, you may become a fan. It's harmless, entertaining fun that at least demands sensible and logical reviews.
If you dislike the movies/books so much, have some self respect and don't watch it - or at least produce a worthy point.
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